
A Lexington Dog Boarding Experience Can Be Amazing Fun For Your Pet

By Carol Jones

If the point comes when a human has to leave their furry friend at home during travel needs to travel it can be hard to find a trusted person to assume responsibility for a beloved pet. The best arrangement is to scour Kentucky for a dependable Lexington Dog boarding establishment. When you leave your four-legged companion with an expert in animal care, you can feel good about choosing and contracting with a company whose sole purpose is to care for pooches. However, be that as it may, your responsibility does not end here. There are numerous approaches to make this less stressful on your pooch.

Make sure the animal is well socialized. The more people it's introduced to and the more experiences it has with the outside world the better. Socialization should begin as young as possible and continue throughout the dog's life. This is important for every canine and something that every owner should strive to do. If you know that you travel often for work or pleasure, socialization must be high on your priority list, if not, it's going to be very difficult for the pooch to adjust to new settings.

Visit the establishment beforehand. This can be done either with or without the animal. By visiting the business you'll get a better feel for it and will be better able to relax and convey a positive vibe to the animal on the day that he or she is to be boarded. This also gives you the chance to see how the staff interacts with their guests. Do this well in advance of the travel date if possible. This way if you're not happy with what you see, there is still time to shop around.

Don't second guess yourself. If you did your homework, inspected the facility and found it perfect for your pet, relax. If you second guess yourself, feel guilty, or feel anxious, your pooch will pick up that and will experience the same feelings. He or she will go into this thinking that it's a bad thing, and you really don't want that.

Take a long walk before heading the kennel. Long walks are something that canines love, it provides you both with a bonding experience, and it drains the animal's energy, which makes him or her calmer and better behaved. Walks work wonders with all canines.

Bring along some familiar items for the pooch. Toys, or favorite pillows, or a blankie will all work to provide him or her with the smells and feelings of home. This may reduce his anxiety and allow him to enjoy the experience more.

Before you leave the house, before you even greet your pet in the morning toss any less than positive feelings aside. Be happy with your decision as to which boarder to use, be happy that you're off to have a good time and so is your furry family member. Negative feelings and thoughts will be picked up and will cause trauma to the animal.

Follow the above tips to make things easier on both you and your pet. When you, as the owner, can put aside your fears and negative feelings, it helps your dog do the same. Remember, that he picks up his cues about things from you. When you're in control of your emotions, it's better for both parties.

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