
This Is Why Buying The Egyptian Mau For Sale Is A Good Idea

By Ruth Sullivan

Cats are more loving and affectionate than many put them out to be. They make good first time pets since they are low maintenance. While dogs are very outgoing and it may be easier to make them love the owner easily, felines are more reserved and need a lot of work for the owner to gain their affections.

Cats clean after themselves and are self sufficient for the most part. Yes, getting that Egyptian Mau for sale at the pet shop is a good start if you are looking to learn how to take care of a feline. The name Mau is literally the Egyptian word for cat.

Cats, like people, have a personality and can vary depending on breed. Maus are known for being friendly and loyal compared to the more common aloof and distant personality trait felines are known for. They tend to get attached to family members especially if the family has raised them since they were a kitten.

This breed in particular can be very playful, especially during the early years. The number of scratches and lost trinkets should be considered before getting a Mau. While this is a very endearing trait, some new owners might prefer a more serious and sedated breed. Very outgoing and do not hold back their curiosity, Expect falling objects from the bookshelves.

Maus are territorial and want to be a part of the family. They can be possessive of their favorite person and they show it by hanging around the same area as that human. There will be shoulder riding and noisy meowing as an early alarm in the morning. The Mau is agile and is the type to perch themselves at the highest points of the house.

This breed lives at an average nine to thirteen years. They weigh moderately and are small compared to the furry Maine Coons. Them being short haired means there is not a lot of shedding. Still, it is best to have a lint roller around. Maus like getting pet and resting on the lap of their owner. This is how they bond with their humans.

Grooming does not have to be such a chore with the short hair types. All the owners need to do are nail cutting, ear cleaning and teeth brushing. Since they are a very playful bunch, it best to make sure nails are cut regularly or arms are in the risk of many battle scars from play time. Consult the vet for the right toothpaste to use. Let the cat get used to being groomed at an early age so there will be no difficulty in the future.

Remember to take the kitten to the veterinarian for the needed vaccinations and annual check ups. During the first year it is important to deworm and spay . These are the initial pet owner responsibilities. Training them to use the litter box is easy, so there is no worry there.

Having a pet is subtly life changing. Money will gradually be spent on toys, food and the vet. It may feel like taking care of a kid, but all cat owners can agree that the love and companionship these creature give are all worth the trouble. A pet cat is definitely perfect for those with a more reserved nature since they do not take so much physical activity to take care of.

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