
for the einstein kittehs: kit-e-quiz

do your cats know which cupboard the treats are in?  do they stay up all night devising ways of breaking into said cupboard?

the new kit-e-quiz is designed for food-motivated kittehs who are willing to solve a few puzzles to get to their precious.  the cat fancy editors even picked it as one of their favorite new products calling it a "great toy for cats who get bored easily".

we just hope it keeps them out of the cupboards.
do your cats know which cupboard the treats are in?  do they stay up all night devising ways of breaking into said cupboard?

the new kit-e-quiz is designed for food-motivated kittehs who are willing to solve a few puzzles to get to their precious.  the cat fancy editors even picked it as one of their favorite new products calling it a "great toy for cats who get bored easily".

we just hope it keeps them out of the cupboards.

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