
The Common Alternatives To Elizabethan Collar

By Richard Green

The E-Collar, a short form for Elizabethan collar, has become the symbol for the mistreatment to our pets. In fact, it is widely referred to as 'a cone of shame'. Nobody can readily admit that they have come across any dog that likes it. The dog owners see it as a perfect torture device. However, it is what you are likely to get from the vet should you take your dog for treatment of wounds in most body parts. Before accepting it, you need to explore the better alternatives to Elizabethan collar.

With the E-collar, a dog with short legs is rendered immobile easily. In addition to this, it also interferes with visibility (peripheral visibility). The combination of the two factors means more misery for a dog that is already suffering from injuries. The cone is tight and heavy, making it to crash on furniture and the doorways. It really pushes the dog's patient to the limit whenever it gets stuck in a tight spot that the dog is attempting to cross.

The alternatives are designed with the dog's comfort in mind. This means better visibility, improved mobility and soft material that mean more comfort. This does not sacrifice its primary goal which is to prevent the dog from self-aggravated wounds, licking of the existing wounds, the possibility of tearing the surgical stitches and even the temptation to remove the bandages.

Perhaps closest to any Elizabethan collar is the Soft E-Collar. Instead of a heavy duty plastic material, this cone is made of a softer material like the paper. The possible setback of using a paper for a cone is the ease in which they wear off. In addition to this, are likely to be torn off in the situation where the wearer is too persistent in reaching the wounds. However, they offer a very effective solution for the dogs that are calm.

The BiteNot Collars resemble the neck brace and are designed to prevent the dog from reaching its neck and therefore cannot reach the wound. They are very comfortable and very effective. They may not work best for the dogs with long hair like the Bearded Collies or the ones with fat neck, like the pugs.

Close to this is the Kong EZ Collar which is also a plastic cone. Unlike the e-cone, the plastic used is transparent and lighter in weight. However, making it light and comfortable means a compromise on their rigidity. The outer part of the cone is made of very tough nylon. The inner part on the other hands has a foam rubber.

The next alternative is the ProCollar which is shaped like a doughnut. It features an inflatable core with a cover that is extremely durable. There are several sizes to choose from. In fact, you can bring your dog along to try the one that fits perfectly.

The extreme solution is to opt for full-body armor. These are the best solution to the dogs that prove to be too stubborn and want to go to the extra mile just to get to the injury.

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