
Your pet's health-feline rhinotracheitis

The herpes virus cause many problems to your cat, with one of them being the development of IBR. This condition mostly causes upper respiratory infections in your cat and can also lead to eye problems such as conjunctivitis.

Feline rhinotracheitis is mainly a problem for the young kittens. However, young people can harbor the virus for years without showing that signs of a liability, however. Cats that are infected with viruses or immunodeficiency leukemia have an increased risk of getting infected with this. If your cat often displays signs of this condition, then it may be a sign that something more serious is wrong.

The virus that causes the cats not to apply for IBR symptoms immediately. The incubation period, the time when cats do not exhibit signs, usually lasts a few days to a few weeks. This can prove problematic for homes with multiple cats, as cats can infect other people, although it doesn't show signs of their own.

The signs of feline rhinotracheitis are quite similar to other upper respiratory infections. Cats will begin coughing, sneezing and discharge from your nose. The nasal lining and coating of the eyelids can also become inflamed. The first is known as rhinitis, while the later is called conjunctivitis.

Cats generally have a fever while battling this condition as well. Others will lose their appetite until it begins to feel a little better. Feline rhinotracheitis can cause cats display only some of these symptoms or all of them at the same time.

There is no exact test method to diagnose feline rhinotracheitis. Your veterinarian will have simply to look for signs that your cat is displaying to your medical history in view. It is not always easy to pinpoint this condition.

Even if cats rhinotracheitis were diagnosed, there is no way to treat your cat's veterinary. The illness usually runs its course after a week or so. However, the support measures may be provided for your pet.

Since cats with IBR have nasal discharge that can make it difficult to breathe, Nasal Decongestants are usually provided. Keep your cat in a room with a humidifier or vaporizer will also will help you breathe better. Owners need to clear secretions from the eyes and nose to help minimize the risk of your cats getting reinfected.

After the feline rhinotracheitis compromises the immune system, secondary bacterial infections can easily set in. Your cat may need to take antibiotics to keep these infections cause additional problems.

This condition is highly contagious. If you have a cat that has been infected, it is best to keep it away from other cats for a while. If not, you'll probably be dealing with multiple cats sick at the same time.

There is a vaccine to protect against feline rhinotracheitis. However, it does not always keep cats be infected. Those who have been vaccinated although probably won't experience severe stages of the disease.

Hopefully, you are aware that there are several conditions that can affect your cat as feline bordetella. Learn this information will help you recognize signs of disease quickly. To learn more about some of these cat health problems, click on today.

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