
Owner's Guide to cat worms

There are many parasites that can give problems of cats. Feline Tapeworms are some of the most common. These white worms are able to grow about eight inches long live long enough. Thanks to the suction cups and hooks that mother nature equipped with, are able to attach themselves to the walls of the intestine of your cat.

Cats normally do not feel many problems, if they are infested with only some of them. However, worms in cats can cause serious problems such as the increase in numbers. They will keep your cat from getting the proper nutrition from your food, eventually causing them to shed pounds. Your skin will also change, becoming rough and dull.

To understand how feline tapeworms infect cats, you first need to understand a little about their life cycle. As you know, fleas can easily infect your cat. Sometimes, the fleas will house cysticercoids, which are formed when the flea larvae eat tapeworm eggs. If your cat bites in an area infested with fleas infected, he might end up swallowing one.

After eating an infected flea, the intestine will break it down and let the cysticercoids to develop into adult worms from cats. That's when they will join to the walls of the small intestine and support themselves with the nutrients that your cat needs to get their food.

Feline Tapeworms are segmented. As they grow, segments will break off and pass out of the body through the feces. Owners who inspect your cat's feces are likely to notice them. They look like small grains of rice that are moving around. Some of these segments can also appear around the anus.

Your veterinarian can determine if your cat has worms easily. He will simply have to take a look at a sample of your cat's stools under a microscope. They are not always easy to see by the naked eye.

Fortunately, the worms in cats are usually easy to treat. You will need to give your cat dewormer medication in order to get rid of them. A cycle of medication may not be enough to get rid of the infestation fully though.

Parasites such as fleas and lice play a vital role in the transmission of feline worms. Therefore, the owners need to do your best to control these pests, so that your cat is not infested with worms. Will help to limit the amount of time that your cat passes out about roaming. Giving him the medicine regularly dewormer will also be useful.

As an owner, it is important that you learn about various health problems like endocrine alopecia in cats that can affect your furry friend. If your cat get sick, know about these different conditions will help recognize it quickly. To learn more about a range of cat health problems, go to today.

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