yup. that's what an australian man just did - married his dog. (only nobody got dumped).
the non-binding civil ceremony united joseph guiso with his 5-year old adopted lab, honey. "you're my best friend and you make every part of my day better," he said in his vows. how sweet?
if you know someone who'd be better off marrying their dog or cat we've got the books. they get your message across and look cute.
the non-binding civil ceremony united joseph guiso with his 5-year old adopted lab, honey. "you're my best friend and you make every part of my day better," he said in his vows. how sweet?
if you know someone who'd be better off marrying their dog or cat we've got the books. they get your message across and look cute.
the non-binding civil ceremony united joseph guiso with his 5-year old adopted lab, honey. "you're my best friend and you make every part of my day better," he said in his vows. how sweet?
if you know someone who'd be better off marrying their dog or cat we've got the books. they get your message across and look cute.
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