
saving lives saves money

in this tough economy, tons of people are looking to save a buck - including brown county in northern wisconsin by embracing a trap-neuter-return program.

to date, cats anonymous has spayed and neutered 100 community cats at a cost of $50 each in the village of howard. comparatively, it costs $145 per cat to trap and kill them. that's a savings of $9,500 in howard alone, just by implementing a humane policy toward community cats.

with that chunk of change, you could buy 19 cats their very own ipads.

bottom line: tnr could save taxpayers billions of dollars if implemented nationwide.
in this tough economy, tons of people are looking to save a buck - including brown county in northern wisconsin by embracing a trap-neuter-return program.

to date, cats anonymous has spayed and neutered 100 community cats at a cost of $50 each in the village of howard. comparatively, it costs $145 per cat to trap and kill them. that's a savings of $9,500 in howard alone, just by implementing a humane policy toward community cats.

with that chunk of change, you could buy 19 cats their very own ipads.

bottom line: tnr could save taxpayers billions of dollars if implemented nationwide.

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