
Information About Contract Working Dogs

By Amy Taylor

As man learned about the importance of having animals at their villages, the dog happened to be the luckiest to be domesticated first. The unique character of this species made them very reliable to the extent that they have been used as military dogs to help during wars. Their limited number made the defense department to consider getting informed about contract working dogs.

Many people have limited information concerning this kind of dogs. Understanding them better needs one to understand how they came to existence. As mentioned above, initially these military dogs have been the help of soldiers. When they became scarce, there was no time to train new dogs that is why it was opted to enter into contracts with companies for these helpful animals.

These companies have a heavy task of ensuring that they train them to attain the recommended standards for military activities mainly. It is tough but the only way through. The training should cover rescue sessions, combat and also detection of hidden explosives. The animal can only be flown to their destination once they have mastered all these skills.

It should be noted that the animal though working with the military, it is not the property of the defense department but that of the company where they belong. It is therefore not the role of the soldiers to take care of the dog in the event of a need beyond feeding. All that happens is that the dog will be in the field and into their kennels till the end of the contract.

Though viewed as heroes, this class of heroes undergo lots of sufferings. There has never been an agreement on how these sorrows can be dealt upon. The animals are treated as laborers where their sole duty is working without any rest including the two-week break enjoyed by all soldiers. More so, they are usually not included in the unit rotation as the others.

The misery reaches its peak once they cannot work any longer. The possible causes of this are age, injuries or sickness. The military can do nothing in ensuring that the dog is well delivered to the owner. However, it is the owner who is expected to keep a keen observation and be in a position to bring the dog back home safely once they have become incapacitated.

There have been instances that were reported where a dog was shot dead by the service men due to desertion. Though this is an acceptable punishment in these avenues, it is not fair to the dog since the running away may be due to improper training, a failure to their trainer. Others are neglected by their companies for not being able to work again thus left suffering more.

However, a good note is that adopting a contract dog is easy than a military dog. This adoption has turned to be the only way to help these almost fallen soldiers. However, before settling to adopt, you need to be ready to train the animals into becoming domestic. This is important since the canine can be combative, hostile and aggressive something not good at home.

About the Author:

By Amy Taylor

As man learned about the importance of having animals at their villages, the dog happened to be the luckiest to be domesticated first. The unique character of this species made them very reliable to the extent that they have been used as military dogs to help during wars. Their limited number made the defense department to consider getting informed about contract working dogs.

Many people have limited information concerning this kind of dogs. Understanding them better needs one to understand how they came to existence. As mentioned above, initially these military dogs have been the help of soldiers. When they became scarce, there was no time to train new dogs that is why it was opted to enter into contracts with companies for these helpful animals.

These companies have a heavy task of ensuring that they train them to attain the recommended standards for military activities mainly. It is tough but the only way through. The training should cover rescue sessions, combat and also detection of hidden explosives. The animal can only be flown to their destination once they have mastered all these skills.

It should be noted that the animal though working with the military, it is not the property of the defense department but that of the company where they belong. It is therefore not the role of the soldiers to take care of the dog in the event of a need beyond feeding. All that happens is that the dog will be in the field and into their kennels till the end of the contract.

Though viewed as heroes, this class of heroes undergo lots of sufferings. There has never been an agreement on how these sorrows can be dealt upon. The animals are treated as laborers where their sole duty is working without any rest including the two-week break enjoyed by all soldiers. More so, they are usually not included in the unit rotation as the others.

The misery reaches its peak once they cannot work any longer. The possible causes of this are age, injuries or sickness. The military can do nothing in ensuring that the dog is well delivered to the owner. However, it is the owner who is expected to keep a keen observation and be in a position to bring the dog back home safely once they have become incapacitated.

There have been instances that were reported where a dog was shot dead by the service men due to desertion. Though this is an acceptable punishment in these avenues, it is not fair to the dog since the running away may be due to improper training, a failure to their trainer. Others are neglected by their companies for not being able to work again thus left suffering more.

However, a good note is that adopting a contract dog is easy than a military dog. This adoption has turned to be the only way to help these almost fallen soldiers. However, before settling to adopt, you need to be ready to train the animals into becoming domestic. This is important since the canine can be combative, hostile and aggressive something not good at home.

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